Bigg Boss Tamil Season 6 Today Episode Review
biggbosstodayepisode |
Weekly Task: BB Kana Kannum Kalangal
School Task
1st Day Primary School
2nd Day Secondary School
3rd Day Kalai Kalvi
7 Students 3 Teachers
Tamil Teacher (class teacher)
Story Telling (strict teacher)
PT Teacher (always thinks abt cinema)
End of the day teacher to give chocolate to the best students.
Each day must choose 1 teacher n 2 students for the best performance. They will become teachers the next day.
End of the Task ranking for best performance n they will compete for the captaincy task.
Tamil Teacher - Vikraman
Storytelling Teacher - Vikraman
PT Teacher - Amuthavanan
Teachers should prepare tiffin boxes for students.
Students - Mani, ADK, Dhana, Rachita, Shivin, Kathir, Myna
Tamil Teacher - Vikraman
Storytelling Teacher - Azeem
PT Teacher - Amuthavanan
Teachers should prepare tiffin boxes for students.
Best teacher choice:
Mani - Azeem
Dhana - Amuthavanan
Myna - Amuthavanan
Kathir - Azeem
Shivin - Amuthavanan
Rachu - Amuthavanan
ADK - Vikraman
Azeem - Vikraman
Vikraman - Azeem
Amuthavanan - Vikraman
Best Teacher: Amuthavanan
Best student choice:
Myna - Rachita Kathir
Mani - Kathir ADK
Shivin - Kathir Rachita
Dhana - Rachita Kathir
ADK - Mani Kathir
Kathir - Myna Shivin
Rachita - Kathir Myna
Vikraman - Mani ADK
Azeem - Kathir Myna
Amuthavanan - Rachita Myna
Tiebreaker - Myna 6 Rach 4
Best Student: Kathir Myna
Best Teacher: Amuthavanan
Secondary School 11th n 12th
Students - Vikraman, Azeem, ADK, Dhana, Rachita, Shivin, Mani (2K Kids)
Music Teacher / Principal - very forgetful n can see with specs only. Teach Carnatic Music.
- Amuthavanan
Maths Teacher is on Probation so will always be on their toes. Always will try to please the principal and everyone else.
- Kathir
English Teacher is very strict but can't speak English. Got the job by lying in my resume.
- Myna
Task: Neengal Kannda Kanavugal
HM to share their childhood dreams and their life journey up to now. What was your parents' role in your dreams/journey?
House Mate to sit at Garden Area and, upon the buzzer sound, HM to share their experiences.
Best Student Choice:
Myna - Azeem Mani
Mani - Azeem Shivin
Shivin - Mani Vikraman
Dhana - Azeem Vikraman
ADK - Azeem Mani
Kathir - Vikraman Mani
Rachita - Mani Vikraman
Vikraman - Shivin Rachita
Azeem - ADK Mani
Amuthavanan - Mani Shivin
Tiebreaker - Azeem 4 Vikraman 5
Best Student: Mani Vikraman
Best Teacher: Amuthavanan
Best Student: Mani Vikraman
Inthiran Chandran Kalai Kaloori 1980's School
VisCom Dept Students
Students - Kathir, Azeem, ADK, Dhana, Rachita, Shivin, Myna.
Psychology Teacher - Vikraman
He has love failure.
Dance Teacher Bharatha Natyam- Mani
Dance Teacher Western - Amuthavanan
Both Dance Teachers will compete to get the one available promotion.
The evening will have a Farewell Party event. Cultural.
In the end, students will have to say about a teacher they like n finish the school task.
Luxury Budget Task - Sumo Wrestle Type Game
5,10, 50 points markers are available at the activity area.
2 people will go into a circle and push each other to the available points.
The highest points will earn 400 luxury budget points.
5 Teams:
DL vs Shivin
Azeem vs Mani
Amuthavanan vs Vikraman
Rachita vs Myna
Kathir vs ADK